I love talking about science and astrophysics! This is why a launched the YouTube channel Rogue Astrophysics (est. 2017) and started writing articles for the general public in scinews.eu (since 2017) and a8inea.com (since 2018)! In 2018 I launched the Astronomy on Tap Bonn Satellite of AoT, with talks by professional astronomers and scientists at a pub, and quiz and games! In September 2021 I moved to Jena in East Germany and launched Astronomy on Tap Jena, online, due to the covid-19 pandemic.
In 2019 I was invited by TEDxAUAthens to give a talk at their Serendipity event, a highlight of my outreach efforts to bring astronomy closer to the general public!
In June 2022 I published my first public outreach book, ‘Το Σύμπαν στο τσεπάκι σου’ from Key Books.
My outreach efforts go back to my PhD days when at the University of Oxford, where I was inspired by brilliant astrophysicists such as my supervisor, Prof Steve Rawlings.
If you also like astronomy and science and you’d like to invited me or collaborate with me, drop me a message (rogueastrophysics@gmail.com).